Teeth whitening at the dentist or at home Brighten your smile with whiter teeth
Home whitening with adapted gutters
This type of whitening requires a consultation at the dentist where an impression of your mouth will be made. With these fingerprints, gutters will be made and customized to the shape of your teeth and your arches. Medium concentration bleaching products are used for this type of treatment. Gutters must be worn for several consecutive days, from 45 minutes to all night depending on whitening agents used. The color of the teeth will be improved and the treatment time is adapted to each according to the type of coloration. The main advantages are a uniform whitening of the treated teeth and an increased control of dentinal sensitivities that can result. The aging and consumption of certain colored foods are major factors that influence the color of the teeth. With time, the teeth tend to turn yellow.
In office whitening
Chair whitening at the dentist aims to improve the color of the teeth quickly. In his practice, the dentist applies high concentration bleaching agents to the teeth in a short period of time. The results are almost immediate. On the other hand, it is more difficult with this technique to control post-treatment sensitivity. During the treatment, the professional must take special precautions, because the bleaching products are very powerful and could damage the tissues (gums).
Diastema (gap) closure The optimal way to close the gaps between your teeth
When teeth are spaced out, it is possible to close or narrow the gaps using different strategies. Minor diastemas can be easily closed with composite restorations using the Bioclear Matrix System https://youtu.be/uBljrqvGE5I. The Bioclear Matrix System can also be used to correct black triangles between teeth left by the loss of a gum papilla.
For larger diastemas, it is sometimes necessary to restore balance and correct the teeth positioning with orthodontics (see section on orthodontics) in order to obtain a more pleasing appearance.
For a more natural look, veneers are an ideal option for closing gaps (see section on veneers).
Facet Experience the natural effect of facets - experience the natural effect of facets!
The facets restore the aestheticism of your smile. They can be composite simply glued and carved on the teeth. Or, for a more durable and aesthetic result, they can be made in the form of thin ceramic or porcelain shells that will be cemented on the visible parts of the teeth.
They are arranged to the tint of your teeth so as to give you a smile as harmonious and natural as possible.
Here are some examples of indications for facets:
Home whitening with adapted gutters
This type of treatment has the advantage of offering a neat aesthetic while maintaining the integrity of the bone structure.
Crown on implant Replace your missing teeth while improving their appearance and functionality
A dental implant is a replacement method that consists of replacing the root of a tooth with an anchor. Once the bone has been fully integrated, a crown on implant can be permanently put in place.
This type of procedure has the advantage of creating a more natural result while maintaining the integrity of the bone structure.
Here is how implants can prevent the premature ageing of your mouth.
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