Nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas,” is a sweet-tasting, colourless and odourless gas thathas calming and relaxing properties. It is used with oxygen to decrease stress and fear. During a dental procedure, the patient is conscious and can respond appropriately to verbal and physical stimuli.
What are the objectives?
Reduce or eliminate anxiety
Limit movement, behaviours and inappropriate reactions
Encourage communication and cooperation
Increase the pain threshold
Increase tolerance for long-duration procedures
Decrease the gag reflex
Facilitate the administering of quality dental care services
Promote a positive response, well-being and safety
What are the indications? Treatment is indicated in the following cases:
If the patient is fearful and anxious, but is willing to cooperate
If the gag reflex is interfering with dental care
If the patient is cooperative but it is a long procedure
If the patient is preschool-aged and cannot cooperate
What does the patient feel during the procedure?
Decreased stress and anxiety
Numbness and tingling in the extremities
Decreased pain
Sense of well-being and satisfaction
Pleasure and possibly a desire to laugh
Impression of floating or lightness
Is nitrous oxide safe?
Completely! Nitrous oxide is considered to be the safest sedative agent for controlling anxiety during dental procedures.
It is a fast-acting, weak anaesthetic that is completely eliminated from the body after the session, since the effects disappear within 3 to 5 minutes without any trace of residual sedation. It is the only form of sedation that allows you to resume your regular activities, such as driving your car right after the appointment.
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Dre Sophie Sanfaçon-Cloutier was the privacy officer contact information.
Contact details: 450-582-3435 at 1000 montée des Pionniers suite 212
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Monday : 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday : 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday : 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Thursday : 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday : 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday : Close Sunday : Close